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5 Mistakes people do when becoming a digital nomad



Becoming a digital nomad and working as you travel is an incredible experience and something that is certainly worth the time and effort. But it would be remiss and dishonest to try and ignore the potential pitfalls and downsides that come with this type of living.

And some of these trials are very simple logistical challenges. How do you manage a business while travelling? How do you balance work and play?

Here are some of the top mistakes you need to avoid:

1 Not doing your research

It is absolutely essential that you research the destination you’re going to before you head off. This way, you can make sure you’ve identified some places with free WiFi/a a power outlet to work from before it is too late!

2 Getting confused by the time

Another big mistake is getting confused by time differences in different countries. You’re going to have to work with people hours behind or ahead of you and this can make life pretty tricky when you’re trying to arrange a Skype meeting or meet a deadline. Make sure that you avoid this mistake by using an app like ‘World Time Buddy’ which will keep you in sync with your business partners and clients.

3 Not having a contingency plan

It’s also crucial that you always have a contingency plan for in case things don’t work out. In other words: know what you’ll do if you get to the café and the WiFi is down. And know what you’ll do if you get there and your laptop runs out of battery…

4 Not having the right equipment

Your tools are everything when it comes to working on the road. You need a computer that is light, powerful and has great battery life. And you need a good camera, a good mobile etc. This is absolutely worth the investment and will make all the difference to the way you learn and work.

5 Working too much

Finally, don’t make the mistake of working too much or too hard! Remember: you are out here to enjoy the country you’re visiting and to explore – not to progress your business particularly! If you can do both great, but your objective should primarily be to earn the minimum amount you need in order to make your travel goals possible. This is all about balance and it’s about not being ‘pulled in’ by the temptation to earn more.

10 Steps to Quit your Job and Become a Digital Nomad

Find out the 10 steps to quit your job and become a digital nomad in our free guide!

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