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Why you should never sell a logo as a freelancer

I was asked to create a logo, my answer will shock you. You never want to just create a logo.



I was asked to create a logo, my answer will shock you. You never want to just create a logo.

A few weeks ago, a friend asked me if I’d like to do some work. He said he’d a lot of clients who needed logos and it was a quick and easy job. All I’d to do was design something nice.

I told him I didn’t want the job. He was a bit shocked at my answer because I was turning down money in an area he thought I’d a passion for. The problem, I said, is that I don’t sell logos, I create brands. Selling logos is basically irresponsible because it doesn’t take into account brand strategy. Brand strategy is the reason why some companies can sell a “logo” for millions of dollars.

For a long time I sold logos, undervalued my service and competed with thousands or millions of designers selling the same service.

It’s hard to sell a logo, and it’s even harder to put a price on it. A logo can be a simple name with a simple font. How can you put a price on that? And more importantly. How can you charge thousands of dollars for a logo when there are millions of designers who can create a logo for a fiver?

How come someone on Upwork charges $10 for a logo when others charge millions? The answer lies in strategy. I’ve seen so many logos sold without strategy that I decided to create a manual that bridges the gap between these two extreme ends of the spectrum.

A few things you’ll learn from the manual “18 steps to sell a logo for thousands of dollars”

  • Time invested in a logo equals money, right? WRONG!
  • How you can be better than 90% of your competitors by changing a few things about your service
  • How to drastically change the way you charge for your service
  • Increase your value so that clients can’t refuse your offer
  • Make branding an objective matter and eliminate endless design rounds
  • Reduce your workload and make your clients love your design
  • Enhance your reputation and get the recognition your work deserves


18 steps to sell a logo for thousands of dollars

Learn how big companies sell logos for millions

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